

The Hockey Fans' Anthem©
Sung to the tune of O Canada
Beginning of the third period

Yes, it's our link
We're one big hockey rink
True patriot fans
Hockey oozes from our glands!

With glowing hearts, we watch our game
The skill, the speed, the flame!
And stand and roar to cheer for
The three stars of each game.

Let's keep the puck in their net out of ours
And let's hear the call we love to hear more
That is our birthright note
We Shoot, We Score!

©Bruce Stock 2007

« ET LE BUT! »

"L'hymne des fans d'hockey"
(Version française)
Écrit par: Jonathan Poirier
Au rythme du O'Canada
début de la troisième période

Oui c'est notre place
Jouer l'hockey sur la glace
On est des grands fans
On arrive en caravanes

Assis dans les bancs
Regarde les combattants
La vitesse, la compétence et la flamme

Acclamation debout à l'attention
Les trois étoiles du jeu

Et vive le nord, la rondelle sur leur bord
On veut toujours entendre notre équipe se défendre
Sans notre capitaine on serait perdu
« Et le but! »

Our Goal!

Take Me Out To The Ball Game? Not quite. Hockey is to Canada what baseball is to America, yet where is our national hockey anthem? When this thought came to Bruce Stock, long-time hockey fan, he penned the lyrics to Canada's new national hockey anthem!

How Do We Get There?

By bringing awareness to the anthem and spreading the word from coast to coast to coast, we invite as many local teams as possible to jump in with their own versions of We Shoot, We Score! From little league, to competitive and semi-professional, we want to hear everyone sing their new favorite hockey anthem! We hope to inspire fans to sing along as well, at the game, at home, at your favorite sports pub, anywhere you enjoy our favorite national passtime!

How Do You Fit In?

Calling all hockey fans! From little tykes, to those of us who remember the last time the Leafs won the cup, let's show our love for the game by gathering up the team, family, friends, colleagues, and sing along loud and proud to We Shoot, We Score! Video your version and submit it using our contact form, and we'll share it alongside all the other submissions! Share this website with your friends and families to help spread the word to every hockey fan across Canada!

Hockey Silhouette